
Docker Compose

The easiest way to install AirTrail is to use Docker Compose. Below are the steps to get started. AirTrail requires Docker Compose version 2.x or higher.

Download the required files

Create a new directory to hold the docker-compose.yml and .env files.

mkdir airtrail
cd airtrail

Download the docker-compose.yml and .env files.

wget -O docker-compose.yml
wget -O .env

or download the files manually from the repository.

Note: If you download the files manually, the .env.example file should be renamed to .env.

Configure the environment variables

  • Set the ORIGIN variable to the domain name or IP address that the application will be accessed from.
  • Populate custom database information if necessary.
  • Consider changing DB_PASSWORD to a custom value. Postgres is not publicly exposed, so this password is only used for local authentication. To avoid issues with Docker parsing this value, it is best to use only the characters A-Za-z0-9.

Start the application

From the directory where the docker-compose.yml amd .env files are located, run the following command:

docker compose up -d

Docker version

If you get an error unknown shorthand flag: 'd' in -d, you are probably running the wrong Docker version. (This happens, for example, with the package in Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS.) You can correct the problem by apt remove ing Ubuntu's package and installing docker and docker-compose via Docker's official repository.

Note that the correct command really is docker compose, not docker-compose.


See the Updating guide for instructions on how to upgrade to a new version of AirTrail.

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