World Map
View all your flights on an interactive world map.Flight History
Keep track of all your flights in one place.Statistics
Get insights into your flight history with statistics.Dark Mode
Switch between light and dark mode.Multiple Users
Manage multiple users, share flights among them, secure your data with user authentication and integrate with your OAuth provider.Import Flights
Import flights from various sources including MyFlightRadar24, App in the Air and JetLog.Responsive Design
Use the application on any device with a responsive design.Install and get started now
Run the installation script
The installation script only works on Linux systems with Docker preinstalled.
Visit your new AirTrail instance!
AirTrail will be available at http://localhost:3000 locally, at the address you specified during installation.
Follow the post-installation guide
Post-installation guide
If you are on an unsupported platform, or you prefer to do things yourself, you can follow the Docker Compose guide, which goes through the same steps as the installation script, but manually.