
OAuth Authentication

AirTrail supports authentication via OpenID Connect (OIDC). This allows you to use your existing identity provider to authenticate users in AirTrail.


Before you can configure OAuth authentication in AirTrail, you need to set up an OAuth client in your identity provider. The specific steps to take depend on the identity provider you are using, but in general you will need to:

  1. Register a new OIDC/OAuth2 client in your identity provider.
  2. Configure the client with the following settings:
    • Client type: Confidential
    • Application type: Web application
    • Grant type: Authorization Code
  3. Add the following redirect URI to the client configuration:
    • http://DOMAIN:PORT/login


To configure OAuth authentication in AirTrail, either go to the Settings page and click on the OAuth tab (you need to be an admin to access this page), or configure OAuth through the .env file.

The same settings are available in both the .env file and the settings page. On startup, AirTrail will check the .env file for OAuth settings and use them if they are present. Settings that are configured in the .env file will not be editable in the settings page.

SettingEnv. Var. NameDefaultDescription
EnabledOAUTH_ENABLEDfalseWhether to enable OAuth authentication.
Issuer URLOAUTH_ISSUER_URLThe URL of the OIDC issuer (e.g. https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration).
Client IDOAUTH_CLIENT_IDThe client ID of the OAuth client you created in your identity provider.
Client SecretOAUTH_CLIENT_SECRETThe client secret of the OAuth client you created in your identity provider.
ScopeOAUTH_SCOPEopenid profileThe scopes to send with the request.
Auto RegisterOAUTH_AUTO_REGISTERtrueWhether to automatically register new users if no existing AirTrail user is found for the username.
Auto LoginOAUTH_AUTO_LOGINfalseWhether to automatically launch the OAuth login flow when a user visits the login page. To prevent redirection, add ?autoLogin=false to the end of the url.
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